Sometimes You're The Window Shield, Sometimes You're The Bug
Booglet sick today, with long recovery estimated for the weekend. Told Zack I'd have to brave the video store to get some movies. So I wander around for a few minutes before seeing a lull in the checkout line.
"Hi. I need to get a few movies. I can't find them. I'd like a few."
Video Girl, looking amused, "What movies do you need?"
"A couple of Disney films. Beauty and the Beast (Belle is on her pull-ups) and, do you have Jungle Book?"
Video Girl. "We have Jungle Book II."
Blink. "They made a sequel?"
Video Girl, smiling, offering no information.
"What about Nemo?" I add hopefully. We went to see that on ice.
Video Girl, "Okay." Asks someone to get these two movies I'll be watching on the couch tomorrow if she's still too sick to do swim lessons (she is) or the big party.
Video Girl, arranging the 2 CD's, "What's your card number?"
I don't know, my wife rents movies... "Can I just buy these?"
Video Girl looking at the computer, "Can't sell you The Beauty and the Beast, we only have one copy. Do you have a card?"
I don't. I got ten plus cards on me--none of them a Video Store card. I bet Calamity Jane has one...
"Aren't you guys nationwide?"
"Yes!" Say Video Girl proudly.
"So, can't you find my wife's card number somewhere? Can I buy the other movie?"
Ignoring me, "Do you know the store?"
I'm lost in these transactions.
"Near the Walmart," I volunteer (of course--so is this store). "On 98..." I add hopefully. "Listen, my daughter is sick and needs movies tomorrow while her 30 pound body works out a stomach virus."
She looks at me. I'm wearing a tie because I had a hearing today. Now I realize I'm way out of place.
"Let me call." She picks up the phone.
Oh please, let all the computers hook up. I wait.
Girl Video Store operator, "Okay."
"That's it?"
"Yep, these are good for one week. Hope your daughter gets better."
Etchings of a Feeble Mind
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