Saturday, April 01, 2006

Of Fighting, Writing, and Wondering Where We're Heading

Long day of fun and chores with the little one. Now watching an excellent heavyweight fight at Bobalouie's. Lamond Brewster v. Serge Lahovitch. Lahovitch wins after twelve rounds in a unanimous decision. And Bobalouie den time assures some writing time.

Picked up the camper today, fresh from sprucing up and retuning. We got this because I took Bubba to pick it up basically. It was in pretty bad shape when I retrieved it; I had to fix a flat just to haul it off. But, after some repairs, I gotta say, it looks ready to go.

Here's the closet picture I could find--not ours. Ours still could use some cleaning on the outside but everything functions now like when it was rolled off the assembly line...

I'm lookin' to pile into this after a long day of killin' trout. I want to hear the waves crashing on the Gulf while feeling the salty breeze. The Booglet just likes playing house in it. This will be her first camping trip. To think her mother and I used to canoe out with all our food and water, and not see anyone but shrimpers for days so long ago. More people, less room to stretch out. When I was a kid, I used to wonder when I heard there would be six billion peopple in the world (now 6.5-6.5 depending on who you believe):

Where will they put all of them?

Now I know.


By the way, anyone want to interpret this graph?

Are they saying world population growth is going to suddenly start declining? I haven't seen anything in my lifetime to support this. Is someone at the
U.S. Census Bureau not telling us something?

Still I'm excited. I forget sometimes she's only two. Oh Little One, I hope one day to show you so much--wait till you see the sharks and seaturtles on the grass flats, when we watch the horseshoe crabs, Limulus polyphemus, burrowing into the sand, when we eat the fishes Daddy caught that day. It's all coming soon and it's just the beginning.

I had to go to a mall today. Oh man, nothing depresses me more than going to the mall. People spending money they don't have for things they don't need. And everywhere the lure of sex. Young models' pictures pushing, what? Cellphones? Bath oils? Jeans? I can hardly tell anymore.

Oh no! I've become that dude...I'm working on crochety.

But seriously, Got gas today (for Bubba and the shuttle) $2.69 per gallon. Uh, how are the people still driving these BUSH/CHENEY 2004 SUV's paying for their gas? Oh wait, I forgot.

The tax cuts.

Silly Daddy.


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