Friday, December 02, 2005

Joshua Tree National Park
Me doing my best Holdie-Outie.

Must get crackin', JLA and the new Mrs. are coming to town today, (Dude, we're gettin' the band back together!) There will be lots of jamming no doubt and some feasting. For those of you who don't live near the Gulf Coast, I can only try to describe the pleasure of sweet bay shrimp, Penaeus setiferus, and blackened grouper, Epinephelus striatus, grilled over a fire with good friends standing around.

I'd love to be able to record some of the jam sessions this weekend and put them up for consumption as well. Pictures seem to be out of the question for Zack, who may well be wanted somewhere for high crimes and misdemeanors. No matter, we've been practicing and the Hummingbird is ready to go.

Last night after I got home the booglet was fussing. We wrapped up in blankies and sat out on the porch, talking softly and waiting for the coon to come out and get his corn. Yes, Chester was inside, oblivious so we stood a fighting chance. We listened and sat quietly, enjoying each other's warmth. I got lots of good snuggly-bugglies.


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