In My Spare Time...
I'm on the board of directors for an organization which takes in injured wildlife and rehabilitates them, hopefully for release back into the wild. Today we are having an open house, it's a fund-raising event. This morning, I helped get things set up and then got some pictures of the current "guests." Barred Owl,Strix VariaThese guys are all around where we live (i.e. "the sticks"). I had one run along the road in front of me several months ago, bounding back and forth in obvious play. I slowed down and watched him zip from side to side of the narrow country road before darting into the cover of the marsh brush. Sadly, a number get injured from run-ins with cars.
Gray Fox, Urocyon cinereoargenteusIt was cool this morning so everyone was moving about. Once the people start showing up, some of the more shy guys will hole up in their dens but I caught this fellow while taking a break from raking and setting up tables. Bobcat, Lynx rufus
We generate money from bake sales, raffles, and donations. One of our most popular attractions is on the back deck where, for one dollar (one dollar), you can buy fish to feed to the locals--a combination of rehabs and regulars on the bayou behind the main office.Brown Pelican, Pelecanus occidentalis
Some wildlife can never be returned. These animals become good will ambassadors.Bald Eagle, Haliaeetus leucophalus
I'm going to bring the booglet back by after her nap.
Etchings of a Feeble Mind
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