Thursday, February 23, 2006

The Zone

It comes without warning. You can't plan it--but you know very well when you're there. The Zone. It's how I've come to appreciate moments with the Booglet. They are impossible to predict--it may start with something as simple as playing with Play Dough--working together to give the lion a tail or putting a different color on the dolphin's fin.

It's a moment so special, when you realize the two of you are connected doing something you are both enjoying. The little one's face will be pursed in concentration, working alongside Daddy. Conversation flows easily, little soft hands and older, callused ones, intertwining, moving. Where do I stop and you start my precious Sugary Bear? Sometimes I feel like I've known you all my life, like you are a part of me that has always been here waiting to come out.


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