Saturday, January 21, 2006

Of Plane Rides, Purple Slides, and What We Want

Lord knows now I've logged some airmiles. I'm a licensed pilot myself, but I was ready to rent a car the other night rather than endure that puddle jumper. My knees just wedged into the seat in front of me enough to cut off circulation. Ya know, Americans are getting larger and the seats are getting smaller. Sooner or later something's gotta give. Bullet trains anyone?

"On that train all graphite and glitter
Undersea by rail
Ninety minutes from New York to Paris
Well by seventy-six we'll be A.O.K."
Donald Fagan

Back at home just in time to read Good Night Gorilla to the Booglet. She was excited to see Daddy and, even though tired, looked me dead in the eye as I carried her to her bed. Her eyes lit up.

"Tomorrow, we can have another adventure." I said, smiling uncontrollably at the bright little face. Feeling back at home.

"A very special day," she said, parroting what she'd heard her Daddy say before...

And it was. A fine exploration of the bayshore, some batting practice, and a birthday party filled with classmates and the "purple slide"...

The other morning I found myself in the unusual (for me) position of ordering at a Starbucks:

"Coffee, please.

No, just coffee.

What size?

Regular size, I guess.

You don't have regular?


Is tall regular?


Is Grande regular?


Well, what could possibly be bigger than a Grande?

No kiddin."

I'm struggling with the decision of raw sugar or refined when I hear behind me "I want _________."

Can't you say please? Maybe because I'm in the habit of making the Booglet say please and thank you. 'Gimme' is another one that makes me cringe. When exactly did we abandon the courtesies we ask of children?


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