Tuesday, October 18, 2005

L is for the Way You Look at Me
"They say love conquers all,
you can't start it like a car,
you can't stop it with a gun."
The Late Great Warren Zevon, Searchin' for a Heart

The home stretch...literally. The last stop light to my house. Now just me and the full moon bouncin' off the water. The cool breeze, the stars, the phone rings...it's JLA. A conversation shortly thereafter...

JLA is gettin' married...

I'm walking in the house, still crazy with the news; I know Mommy and my daughter are hiding from me, so I cruise the house looking in all the nooks. Ah ha! Found in the playroom. A quick transfer of the booglet so she and I can catch up--I need some grounding--besides; my wife has got to hear this.

My boys are so scattered and few... They've always been few, now just scattered. But now, the chance to bring the band back together, and for such a festive occasion. I've got to get the Hummingbird out and practice. Cloggin' anyone?

I've known JLA 20 years. He's my best friend; a man described as "blond, straight teeth, athletic build--what more could you ask for?" (and that was by a woman). Oh my...what would Millie think? J-nine? I say these only because only JLA and I are now here to remember them. And I aint tellin'. So much from your past is now mine, my brother, ours; know what? They would be happy for the same reason I am. I'm happy you've found love. I congratulate your new bride to be...*

Now on with the party...

*I did offer my services to draft a prenuptial...

I kid, I kid...

I kid because I love.


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